Tuesday, October 12, 2010

First Phillies Game and Mother's Day!

We finally got to go to our first Phillies game!
It was our Mother's Day gift to Mommy

I was so good and sat on the seat or on Daddy's lap

Claire wanted to know why the Phanatic had on girl clothes, but then Mommy explained that it was the Phanatic's Mommy! She even gave Claire a kiss on the head!

Hopefully, we can go to a lot more Phillies Games!

Bunny Loot!

The Easter Bunny came for a visit and hid eggs all over the house for us.

He left Mommy and Daddy a note that told us to go to church and then come home to hunt.
Then we went to dinner at Bobcia's house.

Then it was off to Granny and Pop-Pop's house for the Easter Egg Hunt!

I had fun hunting,
While Alyza had fun eating!