Monday, March 30, 2009

Hippity Hoppity Easter is on the Way

On Friday we went to the mall for the Easter Bunny's arrival. Mommy never thought I would sit on his lap after my reaction to Santa and all thing costumed. She was so confident she didn't even fix my hair while we were waiting in line.
Mommy was wrong though. The Easter Bunny isn't so bad. I was kind of scared, but I really want candy and that Baby Alive Doll that I keep seeing on TV. So to everyone's surprise I jumped right on - Cousin Kylie was the one who was not happy to sit on his lap!
Alyza was there too, but Mommy was afraid to let the Bunny hold her - she said his paws just didn't seem safe enough. Plus as usual - Alyza was asleep anyway. She sure does sleep a lot!

The After Pictures

My 'Big Girl" room has been finished for a while now. I finally got Mommy to snap a few pictures to share. There is nothing on the walls yet, but as you can see the paint is there and I have it filled with all my stuff!
As you can tell I love pink and princesses. I am very happy with my new room.

Saint Patrick's Day - Guntown Style

We celebrated Saint Parick's Day at home.

Then on March 21st there was the "Saint Parick Pade" in "Girarbille."

It was really cold, but we still had a great time.
We hung out with our cousins........

and slept!

We can't wait until next year when Alyza will be running around too!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Barack O' Momma

My have been learning a lot lately, like ABC's and 123's, but before my mastered them, way back in January I was studying the president, my favorite olympian and where some people live. My Mommy video taped what I did and I figured I would share it with you all.

Now this was before the AIG bonus situation and Michael's photos from that party, but I still like Barack and Michael al the the same!

Please note that this was from January and my Mom just figured out how to link the video - better late then never!

Just doing my part

The other day I decided it would be a good time to read to Alyza in her nursery. For some reason Mommy was surprised by this and when she heard me reading she needed to take a picture - so I took a "CHEESE" time out.
Mommy said I did a great job reading to Alyza, because she was fast asleep.
Since Alyza was taken care of - Daddy and I passed the time by taking each other's picture with pants on our heads.

That Daddy cracks me up!

I'm a Big Sister Now

Just like Alyza, I have been busy. I however, have been busy helping Mommy and Daddy since I am the Big Sister!

I love my new sister so much!

I could stare at her all day!

We are two lucky girls!!



I'm Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrre

Well it has taken me some time for my first post, but I have been very busy eating, dirtying diapers and dealing with my sleep issues to update on my status. However - I have arrived! As everyone keeps saying.....Welcome to your World Alyza Grace!
I arrived on February 20, 2009 at 7:53 AM and was
8 pounds 15 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long.

This is about 30 seconds after I was born. I am posing with my Mom and Dad.

(I was so excited - I peed on my Daddy's scrubs - how memorable!)

It was a little darker where I came from so these bright lights were such a change from my last location.

The nurse was nice enough to take a photo of a view from my end. There were a lot of people who were waiting for me and these are the ones that were at the hospital when I was born.

And here is ....

my family - Daddy, Mommy, Big Sister Claire and me.

Wow! I am glad to be here and my family loves me so much.

I feel like the luckiest newborn in the world!

Alyza Grace