Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yo Gusto - Yo Gusto!

On Sunday, Mom and Dad decided to take me to my first "Real" Mexican meal. Not just tacos from a box or from "The Bell" that Mommy tries to pass off as Mexican.

It was delicious. Mom and Dad were both talking about how good I was at eating my Sincronisada.

Then Dad and I shared some Fried Ice cream. It was my favorite part!

Finally after a little pressure from Mom and Dad - I put the sombrero on. I asked if they had Pink, but Mom said only the walls in La Casita De Familia are pink and I would have to wear the black hat. After I took off the hat some nice guy even gave me a dollar for my piggy bank.
I give La Casita De Famila Two Sombreros -
I hope Mommy and Daddy bring me there again!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Gabble Gabble Gabble

Since it is just a few days 'til Turkey Day I thought I'd give you a video lesson on how the Turkey goes. Also Abra-abra-cadabra I want to reach out and grab ya!

I have lots to be thankful and am especially thankful to have you all be a part of my life.

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving - even if I think it is funny to be asked to say it outloud!



(And a Happy Thanksgiving from the entire Kowalonek Family)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

We had a pretty laid back weekend. Nothing too exciting. Just the usual....

hanging with the kids,

making funny faces and

then I finished it up with a nice relaxing "tubby!"

Have a great week - XOXO Claire

(Please note Claire is now obsessed with getting her picture taken - so we have about 50 pictures from this weekend of her and every toy in the house. When she would see we didn't have a camera in our hands she would say "un more, just un more." Hopefully this phase will last through Christmas Card and Christmas Photo Season! However, we are going to need more batteries.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mommy's Busy-ness Trip

Mommy is going on a "busy-ness" trip for "wok." She even has a new car to "dribe" there.
She is sad because she keeps telling me she will miss me, but that I will be okay because I will have Daddy, Grammy, Pop-pop and Bobcia to take care of me the whole time she is gone.
Maybe if I am lucky someone will take me to "Mussik Cass"
Well I guess I should give Mommy a kiss good bye!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Mommy and Daddy took me to Philadelphia on Friday. We went to see the 2008 World Series Champion Philadelphia Phillies Parade!

We got up super early and picked up Stacie, Stefee, and Joe. Everyone kept me entertained on the ride down. I even thought I was going to get my first "real" train ride, but something happened, because everyone was walking away from the train station in Lansdale saying stuff like "Thanks Nutter" and "Plan B." Not sure what any of this means, but I know we got back in the car and drove into the City.

We found parking and watched from Broad and Pine Streets. I got to see the Phillie "Phanic" that I have been watching on "TB", but we couldn't get close enough for me to give him a hug. It is a probably a good thing since I am scared of anything with a mask on!

I did get sprayed with champagne - which was a first! And I saw a lot of fetti and even toilet paper floating in the air. It was a really Phun day!

Welcome to the Kowalonek Kidz

Well we have procrastinated on starting a blog for Claire long enough and now with number 2 on the way - we figure it will be way easier to send out invites to our blog rather then overwhelming everyone with photos in your email all of the time!

So enjoy watching our little ones grow as much as we are!


The Kowaloneks