Sunday, January 11, 2009

Snow Day

Yesterday when we woke up it was Snowing!
It snowed all day and I wanted to go out soooooo bad.

Mommy and Daddy let me go out and play with my sled and snow shovel after my nap.

We were outside for about 20 minutes and I was frustrated because I kept dropping my shovel - so I decided I had enough.

Well...they say it might snow later in the week and I can try again.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sesame Street - Live

Yesterday I went to Sesame Street Live - When Elmo Grows Up with Daddy and Mommy. It was great!
We didn't get floor seating - which was a good thing since I saw that all of the characters come up and shake your hand when you are down there. It would not have been a good thing for me and my fear of large creatures in masks and costumes. I like them to be at least an arms length away. Although the entire time I saw my buddies on stage was I was waving and screaming "Hi Elmo, Hi Big Bird, Hi Cookie Munser" I didn't need or want them any closer to me.

I even took some pictures of the show myself.

It was an excellent day - and I got to eat lots of popcorn! I had never been to the "theater" before but I give this show two thumbs up!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome to 2009

I had a relaxing New years Eve at home with Mommy and Daddy. At about 11:55 PM - I decided I had had enough and asked to go to bed. Mommy and Daddy talked me into staying up for the last 5 minutes of 2008. I got to drink a special sparkling cider in a fancy "gass."
I waited for the ball to drop and then I toasted Daddy and Mommy. I only spilled my drink twice - the "gass" was a lot taller then my normal sippy cups.
Then I got to make some noise banging on the pots.

(Notice Abbee was unphased by the noise).

I can't wait to see what 2009 holds for me - One big thing I know is coming in less then 8 weeks is that I will be a Big Sister! I am so excited.

Happy New Year to of all you - from all of us Kowaloneks!

Santa is Good

So Christmas has come and gone and it was so much fun.
We left Santa some treats. Mommy and I made cookies for Santa earlier in the day - and I got to decorate them. We also left Santa Guers Green Tea and Milk to wash them down.

Then before I went to bed on Christmas Eve - Daddy read "The Night Before Christmas." It is our tradition. Next year I get to share Daddy's lap with the Baby.

I guess Santa thought I was a good girl this year, because when I woke up I had lots of presents to open. Mommy and Daddy spent most of the time getting my toys out of the boxes as soon as I unwrapped them, because I wanted to play with everything! I am a very lucky girl!!

I hope you all had as good a Christmas as I did!

Love - Claire