Sunday, November 1, 2009


I had my first day of 'chool back in September. It was also my 3rd birthday, but we can talk about that later.
Mommy took lots of pictures of me and she only cried a 'ittle bit.
I was all smiles until I actually realized Mommy was leaving me at 'chool all by myself. I waved good bye from the waving window. I "cyed" a lot that day.
When the looooooooong day was over Daddy, Mommy and Alyza all came to pick me up.
Daddy helped me with my backpack for the quick getaway. Then we went out for some pizza for lunch - My favorite!

So in summary - getting ready for 'chool was fun, being at 'chool by myself not fun, but pizza following 'chool definitely fun.

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